When everything works effortlessly.


ZABAS® creates modular or holistic simplicity and is the symbol of ease and reliability - a guardian of efficiency.


ZABAS® supports our customers in all areas of claims assessment and regulation for their insured members, while simultaneously generating analytical insights from highly complex data for you.


ZABAS® is designed in a modular and component-oriented manner. The components can be used individually or in combination, with all types of documents integrated into the assessments. We cover individual full insurance and supplementary tariffs, as well as basic and emergency tariffs or aid entitlements.



Our knowledge sets the standard.

In our protected rule area, we offer a standardised set of rules reviewed by medical professionals. Customers can adapt these rules or transfer them unchanged to their individual area. All changes, including transfers, are securely logged, and a four-eyes principle is embedded as standard.

As our customer, you will proactively receive updates when the standard rule set changes. When integrating these into your rule set, all individually created rules remain intact. The rule set includes checks for medical necessity, fee regulations, and tariff rules. These can be customised according to your specifications. All rules are version-controlled and timestamped.

The creation and maintenance of the standard rule set are carried out according to the specialist component. ZABAS® includes a rule editor and a company-wide learning and information system. The rule editor allows for the simple and transparent creation and adjustment of assessment rules. You retain your core competence by determining and modifying your assessment and regulation strategy at any time. Our full expertise is at your disposal.

The rule set is based on a curated collection of decisions and recommendations from medical and dental associations, court rulings, billing comments, and other specialist sources. Specific areas contain detailed descriptions and visual materials that illustrate the treatment process.


Always a part of the whole.


With ZABAS® REGULATE, we revolutionise claims processing for insurers - precise, rule-based, and fully automated. Our modules are perfectly aligned with fee regulations, including the Basic Tariff (BT) and Emergency Tariff (NLT), as well as aid entitlements:

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® GOÄ (Human Medicine)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® GOZ (Dental Medicine | Orthodontics)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® GOT (Veterinary Medicine)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® Zahnlabor (Dental Laboratory)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® PZN (Pharmaceuticals)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® HEM | HIMI (Remedial and Assistive Devices)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® GebüH (Alternative Practitioners)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® HebGebO (Midwives)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® Pflege (Care)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® UV-GOÄ (Accident Insurance)
MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® Kostenerstattung GKV (Cost Reimbursement Statutory Health Insurance)

Check your customised tariffs with

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB ZABAS® TARIF  (Tariff: Full Insurance Tariffs and/or Supplementary Tariffs)

The review, processing, and approval of invoices are carried out according to your own, flexibly defined criteria and assessment rules, leading to a significant reduction in manual tasks. This increase in efficiency creates resource-free spaces for you, which can be specifically utilised for other areas


Complexity. Made simple.

PKV (Private Health Insurance) - optimised claims regulation with our solutions:
Claims Regulation Private Health Insurance

GKV (Statutory Health Insurance) - optimised claims regulations with our solutions:
Claims Regulation Statutory Health Insurance


Our highlights at a glance.

Element 13
Efficiency through automation of the claim process.

Enjoy the benefits of fully automated claims verification.

Element 19
Standard rule set configuration.

Benefit from our standard configuration or customise it as needed.

Element 11-1
Tariff and fee regulatory rule set.

Our modules are precisely aligned with common tariff and fee regulations.

Element 6
Standard interfaces.

Our solution offers seamless integration thanks to standard interfaces.

Element 9
Transparency and controllability through the PDCA approach.

Utilise the proven PDCA approach to make the process transparent and controllable.


Know more effortlessly.


Discover the power of ZABAS® ANALYSE - your control centre for efficient processing and evaluation of data in the context of invoice regulation. ZABAS® ANALYSE seamlessly accesses the database of ZABAS® components (GOÄ, GOZ, PZN, etc.) and presents them in clear standard reports.

Would you like to know how regulations and rules affect your processing time and costs for claims processing? Would you like to predict the impact of new changes on your service processes?

With ZABAS® ANALYSE, you gain comprehensive insights into your claims process performance metrics within minutes. Our tool offers detailed data analyses that help you understand the impact of specific regulations and the cost efficiency of claims processing.

The simulation module takes it a step further. You can see how changes in regulations will affect your KPIs. This enables you to make quick, data-driven decisions, promote growth, and reduce operating costs.


Values upon values for you.

Extensive data analysis.
Extensive data analysis.

Quickly access detailed analyses of your performance metrics from the performance report.

Understand the impact of specific regulations and compliance requirements.

Enhanced decision-making
Enhanced decision-making.

Make data-driven decisions with clear, actionable insights.

Identify opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements.

Accurate predictability
Accurate predictability.

Forecast the financial and operational impacts of new regulatory changes.

Evaluate how adjustments will affect the number of manually processed invoices and the associated costs.

Secure data processing
Secure data processing.

Securely stored data with options for cloud or on-premise solutions.

Ensure compliance with your company’s standards and regulations.

Customisable simulations
Customisable simulations.

Modify or disable rules to see the potential impacts on your KPIs.

Adapt simulations to specific business scenarios.

Smart deployment option
Smart deployment option.

Standard web containers for Tomcat, JBoss, and WebSphere.


Start with ease.


GLOBAL SIDE ZABAS® MAX - the ground-breaking solution, specifically tailored for private health insurance. Our performance system revolutionises the entire health claims process through advanced digitalisation and automation. MAX seamlessly integrates essential processes such as automated fee and tariff checks to ensure maximum efficiency and transparency.

With ZABAS® MAX, we set new standards in the processing of insurance claims by combining deep insurance knowledge with cutting-edge technology.


Impressive properties.

Optimised claims process
Optimised claims process.

Accelerated from application to pay out for a seamless experience.

Final case processing
Final case processing.

Quick and definitive resolution of insurance claims to enhance customer satisfaction.

Automated core processes
Automated core processes.

Including fee and tariff checks for maximum efficiency and compliance.

Modular and customisable architecture
Modular and customisable architecture.

Ensures flexibility and scalability to meet current and future requirements.

Innovative load management
Innovative load management.

With skill-based routing for intelligent and efficient case distribution.

Individualsoftware vs. GLOBAL SIDE Standard


Maßgeschneiderte Lösung oder Komplexitätsfalle und Dauerprojekt?

What you get:

  • Forms
  • Team Email
  • Contact Management


8 Universelle Lösung und erprobte Stabilität für einen effektiven, sicheren Prozessablauf!




I'm a tooltip!
Contact Activity
Team Email


Gmail & Outlook Integration
Contact Management
Company Records


Document Management
Client Collaboration
Mobile App Integration


Efficiency at the push of a button.


Looking to reduce the costs of claims processing?

With ZABAS® VERIFY, you can significantly cut down processing times and costs. Our AI-powered predictive model helps you understand financial savings by adjusting thresholds for dark processing. Our fully customizable AI solution also provides valuable insights into your processing times, costs, and the impact of rule changes on your key KPIs. What used to take days can now be done in minutes! Leave the complexity to us, so you can focus on growing your business.

Unsere Highlights im Überblick:

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGB Automatisierung des Leistungsprozesses: Genießen Sie die Vorteile einer vollautomatisierten Abrechnungsprüfung.

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGBTarifliches und gebührenrechtliches Prüfregelwerk: Unsere Module sind präzise auf die gängigen Tarife und Gebührenrechte abgestimmt.

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGBEinfache Konfiguration der Regelwerke: Passen Sie die Prüfregeln leicht an Ihre individuellen Anforderungen an.

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGBTransparenz und Steuerbarkeit mittels PDCA-Vorgehen: Nutzen Sie das bewährte PDCA-Vorgehen, um den Prozess transparent und steuerbar zu gestalten.

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGBStandardregelwerkskonfiguration: Profitieren Sie von unserer Standardkonfiguration oder passen Sie sie nach Bedarf an.

MediPay_Icon_quadrat_RGBStandardschnittstellen: Unsere Lösung bietet nahtlose Integration dank Standardschnittstellen.

Insights from a recently acquired pilot customer:

Our client faced significant backlogs in claims processing, leading to longer processing times and higher costs.

By implementing the ZABAS® VERIFY predictive model, processing times and costs can be drastically reduced. The company can save over 4,000 hours of manual review, allowing the processing team to focus on more complex cases. This results in operational savings of over EUR 300,000.00, which can now be invested in other initiatives. All of this is achieved while maintaining full data sovereignty and strict compliance with all regulations.

ZABAS Verify savings


Properties that inspire.

Prediction accuracy in focus
Prediction accuracy in focus.

Our AI model, trained on your historical data, guarantees prediction precision of at least 92%.

Data security and compliance.
Data security and compliance.

We prioritise your data security and compliance. Our AI model doesn't use or store personal data and can be fully operational on your on-premises servers or in your cloud.

Cost efficiency.
Cost efficiency.

Thanks to the latest, state-of-the-art, and compact AI models, ZABAS® VERIFY is cost-effective to host and reduces your expenses.

Seamless integration.
Seamless integration.

ZABAS® VERIFY effortlessly integrates into ZABAS®, processing claims in the background according to your specific rules, regulations, and individual configurations.


Turning knowledge into practice.

At GLOBAL SIDE MediPay, we wake up every morning with the goal of helping you deepen your knowledge in handling ZABAS® knowledge management and optimise your processing workflows. With our training sessions, you will become an expert in regulatory dialogues and the rule editor. One thing is certain: you will make the most of your time.

Our offering includes paid workshops where you will be trained and advised by our experts. The focus here is on deepening specific topics and optimising your processes. Please note that changes to the ZABAS® software are not part of this offering.

Our training sessions are conducted by experienced professionals and, of course, include comprehensive training materials as well as the opportunity to clarify any questions after the training.

Do you want to gain knowledge?


Our training offers:

Basics of the ZABAS® rule system.

Get to know the attributes of a rule, rule components, and special components.

Application of ZABAS® knowledge management.

Dive into the rule editor and learn how to make the most of this tool.

Application of the ZABAS® regulation component.

Gain insights into regulatory dialogues and learn how to use them effectively.

Quality circles in rule development.

Learn how rule changes, test records, and internal coordination can impact your work.

Handling external rule systems.

Learn how to adopt and integrate external rule systems into your work.

Module-specific ZABAS® queries.

Clarify your questions about your specific module and learn how to utilize it optimally.


Mit der besten Empfehlung.

Testimonialtext (tba von Gerd Strasser)

Eberhard Sautter

Vorstandsvorsitzender | Hanse Merkur Versicherungsgruppe

Testimonialtext (tba von Gerd Strasser)

Dr. Matthias Effinger

Vorstand | ARAG

Eberhard Sautter_300x300